Praise Gathering
Added: 22 May 2020
Updated: 9 October 2020
A first virtual Praise Gathering was held by the congregation on Sunday evening, 31 May 2020.
With several first-time "Zoomers", there were 36 log-ins. With 2 or more people viewing most connections, it was estimated that between 60 and 70 people attended the Gathering, including friends from Nigeria.
Prayers, music and a Bible reading were provided by members of the congregation and minister Rev Dr Elijah Obinna gave a short reflection. At the end of the Gathering, many participants remained on-line to indulge in some virtual Fellowship.
Following the success of this first attempt, subsequent Virtual Praise Gatherings have been held on the last Sunday evening of each month to date. It is the intention that these Gatherings will continue on the last Sunday of each month until we are able to meet in the church building again.
The next Gathering is due on Sunday, 25 October. For details on how to join, please email us.