News from St John's

Soup and Sweet Saturday

Souper Sundays, held from time to time after morning worship in aid of the Church of Scotland HIVAIDS project, have been well-attended and enjoyed by those present.

Much of the success of these occasions has been due to the opportunity they offer for social contact between members and friends of the congregation - something sorely missed during the "COVID" years.  It was decided, in January 2023, to build on this success by introducing Soup and Sweet Saturdays on the last Saturday of each month in months when there is no Soup Lunch after Sunday worship.

Soup and Sweet Saturdays will continue in 2024.  Proceeds from the lunches will be donated to worthy causes as follows:

August Guide Dogs for the Blind
SeptemberSt Andrew's Hospice
OctoberClydesdale Food Bank
NovemberHIVAIDS Project
DecemberNo Soup'n'Sweet Lunch this month