Visit of Watoto Children's Choir, 10 May 2019

On the evening of 10 May 2019, St John's Church was overtaken by an outpouring of energy, sound and colour as the children of Uganda's Watoto Choir sang, danced and told their life stories.

Over 250 people gathered to experience a moving performance from the 18 children ranging in age from 6-13 years old.  The choir with 12 accompanying aunties and uncles is touring the length and breadth of Britain over a five month period telling some of the story of Watoto Child Care Ministries and their faith in the sustaining power of God.

The children cared for by the Watoto organisation are mainly orphaned through disease, including AIDS, or extremely vulnerable as a consequence of poverty.  Founded at a time of civil war in Uganda, Watoto has placed thousands of orphans in families, empowered vulnerable women to reach their communities, rescued babies and former child soldiers and sent children's choirs across six continents.

Through their worshipful performance the choir connected with their audience in a dynamic yet meaningful way.  In raising awareness of Watoto's work and the areas of need, choirs are a means of raising support through donations or sponsorship of a child or family mother.

An offering on the night raised £1063 with a further £115 to be added through Gift Aid.  There was also an opportunity to learn more of Watoto and purchase some of their merchandise while enjoying a post-concert cup of tea.